Barium Titanate as a Highly Stable Oxygen Permeable Membrane Reactor for Hydrogen Production from Thermal Water Splitting
第一作者: He, GH (He, Guanghu); Ling, YH (Ling, Yihan); Jiang, HQ (Jiang, Heqing); Toghan, A (Toghan, Arafat);
联系作者: He, GH (He, Guanghu); Ling, YH (Ling, Yihan); Jiang, HQ (Jiang, Heqing); Toghan, A (Toghan, Arafat);
发表年度: 2021
期: 33
卷: 9
页: 11147-11154
摘要: Hydrogen production from water splitting by a mixed ionic-electronic conducting membrane is an efficient and promising technology; however, it is severely impeded by the poor reduction tolerance of the existing cobalt- or iron-containing membrane materials. In this work, a novel BaMg0.1Zr0.05Ti0.85O3-delta (BMZ-Ti) perovskite was synthesized by combining citric acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid methods. The new membrane is characterized by its superior chemical stability in a wet H-2 atmosphere as well as with environment-responsive mixed conductivity, generating from the mild reduction of Ti4+ at low oxygen partial pressure. Benefiting from these combined properties, the BMZ-Ti membrane showed an oxygen permeation flux larger than 0.3 mL min(-1) cm(-2) under a H2O/(CH4-CO2) gradient, more than 50 times larger than that under an air/He gradient, which was able to be used for coupling methane reforming with water dissociation to efficiently produce hydrogen with a production rate of 0.8 mL min(-1) cm(-2). Furthermore, no performance degradation was observed during an over 100 h test. These results highlight the potential of the BMZ-Ti membrane, with both environment-responsive mixed conductivity and excellent chemical stability, as a novel oxygen permeable membrane for hydrogen production from water.
影响因子: 6.97
全文链接: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c03118